Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A is for A-Ha Moment

I'm teaching summer school and I get to work with one of my kiddos who drives me crazy who is very special to me. We are choosing to retain him for next year so I've spent as much time as possible working with him on skills he missed throughout the school year.

This week we've been learning simple addition (sums to 10). And you guys! YOU GUYS! He started counting on all by himself! I about fainted. He still needs a lot of help, but woah.

So, for example, the problem was 7+9. Here's how it went down.

Me: What is the first number?
A: 7. (Puts 7 blocks on the 10s frame and counts out 7.)
Me: What is the next number?
A: 2. (Puts 2 blocks on and counts 9, 10).
Me: (Making my OMG face).
A: 10! It's 10!!

So... yeah. I'm impressed. We're still working on  recognizing and writing numbers from 11 to 20. He can count up to 30, but cannot identify or write the numbers in isolation. 


-Ms. A

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